Eurovision 2008 Interview with Pirates of the Sea (Latvia)(Part 2) |
 In 2007 Latvia was represented by Bonaparte LV whose "Questa Notte" is still in the ears of many Eurovision fans. One of the members of Bonaparte LV - the Italian Roberto returned to the stage of the Eurovision Song Contest for a second time for Latvia. This year he is the main Pirate of Latvia's 2008 entry Pirates of the Sea whose " Wolves of the Sea" successfully qualified for the Grand Final where it received 83 points ranking Latvia at Number 11 of the 53rd Eurovision Song Contest.
Radio International had the pleasure to interview Roberto before the Eurovision Song Contest during the the show on the 30 April 2008 as we talked to the singer by phone. You still can hear this interview by clicking here.
Then during the Welcome Reception of the 2008 Eurovision Song Contest in Belgrade JP met some journalists from Malta and then Latvia's Pirates of the Sea sailed across our ways.