
Show 23 March 2016 - Melodifestivalen Special Part 2 |
Experience the Eurovision Song Contest with Radio International
Radio International and ESCNEWS Radio & TV with Chat Room: Radio International is aired on their TV channel live every Wednesday where
fans can join and see how we actually do Radio International and listen
to the show while chatting with the other Eurovision fans joining the
community. But also you can watch there a re-run of
the weekly edition of Radio International at various times on ESCNEWS Radio. Enjoy and tell your friends
to join and be part of the Eurovision Radio International Community! Also become part of the Eurovision Radio International Facebook Group which accompanies the show and is available here. It contains lots of Eurovision News from the major Eurovision News Websites but also announcements.
Please note that many interviews we air are also available as video interview which can be viewed on our Radio International YouTube Channel. Just take a look and enjoy also see the artists talking to us.
The Eurovision Song Contest with Eurovision Radio International - your music requests, comments and
ideas: Eurovision Radio
International never stops and is keen on
keeping the music and news of the Eurovision Song Contest in the ears of the many
fans that join the show each and every week via the usual means either on FM, Cable and also
via PODCAST, Itunes, LISTEN AGAIN, live broadcast or Live Stream. You can also find Radio International (RTV Katwijk) on TuneIn. Please
free to submit your comments, ideas and requests of Eurovision songs and
Radio International is delighted to play your requests during
the shows. Click on CONTACT
to submit your request to the programme. You can also reach us on Twitter: @RadioInt
Hightlights of the show
Melodifestivalen 2016 - The Recap (Part 2): Melodifestivalen
2016 took place on Saturday 12 March 2016 in
Stockholm's Friends Arena with 12 great artists selected out of the
Semi Finals and the Second Chance round. 30000 people in the Friends
Arena. Gina Dirawi and William Spetz hosted the Grand Final of
Melodifestivalen 2016. JP and Eric were on location and
conducted interviews with all the artists, the hosts, previeous
participants at Melodifestivalen and show producer Christer
Bjoerkman. This and next week's edition of Radio International will
be specials
on Sweden's selection to the Eurovision Song Contest 2016. The
complete result of Melodifestivalen 2016 can be viewed here. At this
point Eurovision Radio International would like to congratulate the
Winner of the Melodifestivalen 2016 Frans who will be representing Sweden at the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 on home ground with the song " If I were sorry".This week Radio International broadcasts more interviews with the competing artists and more. Don't miss it! :)
Interview with Wiktoria (Melodifestivalen 2016, Number 4): Last
week Radio International broadcast the interviews with the Top 3 ranked
artists at Melodifestivalen 2016. This week we continue with the
remaining artists and ranking at Number 4 in the Grand Final of
Melodifestivalen 2016 is newcomer to the contest the 17 year young Wiktoria performing the song " Save me". Listen to the interview on this week's edition of Radio International.
You can also watch this interview on our YouTube Channel
- click here
Interview with Robin Bengtsson (Melodifestivalen 2016, Number 5):
It was his first appearance at Melodifestivalen. Winning the Semi Final
1 with the song "Constellation Prize" is 25 year old Robin Bengtsson
who in 2008 came third int he Swedish Idols that was won by Kevin Borg
from Malta. Eric and JP met and interviewed the singer at the first and
second Press Conference on Thursday before the rehearsals started and
Frdiay night after the Dress Rehearsal. You can also watch this interview on our YouTube Channel
- click here
Interview with Molly Sanden (Melodifestivalen 2016, Number 6):
Molly Sanden is no stranger to the World of Eurovision. She participated
in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2006 where she came 3rd with the
song " Det finaste någon kan få". Then Molly Sanden had two appearances and made it to the Grand Final of Melodifestivalen 2009 coming 11th with " Så vill stjärnorna" and in the 2012 edition of Melodifestivalen she came 5th with the song " Why am I crying". She entered again in 2016 and made it again to the Grand Final with the song " Youniverse"
which she co-wrote with her boyfriend, Danny Saucedo, and John Alexis.
At the end of the evening she ranked 6th. JP and Eric met the singer at
the Welcome Reception in the Townhall of Stockholm, Sweden and had the
pleasure to chat with her. Listen to this interview on this week's
edition of Radio International.
You can also watch this interview on our YouTube Channel
- click here
Interview with Lisa Ajax (Melodifestivalen 2016, Number 7): A
newcomer to Melodifestivalen Lisa Ajax made it directly to Friends
Arena from her Semi Final with the song "My heart wants me dead". The 17
year young singer performed her song in the Grand Final of
Melodifestivalen 2016 and ranked 7th at the end of the night. Eric and
JP met Lisa at the Welcome Reception in the Townhall of Stockholm,
Sweden and had
the pleasure to chat with her. Listen to this interview on this
edition of Radio International.
Postponed to next week
Interview with Viktor & Samir and Fredrik Kempe (Melodifestivalen 2016, Number 12): Debuting at Melodifestivalen 2015, Viktor and Samir came 8th with the song " Groupe".
They returned in 2016 and made it from their Semi Final via the Second
Chance Round into the Grand Final of Melodifestivalen 2016 with the song
" Bada nakna" meaning "Swimming naked" which at the end of the night ranked at Number 12. Eric and JP chatted with Samir and songwriter Frederik Kempe at the Welcome Reception in Stockholm's Townhall. Listen to the interview on this week's edition of Radio International.
You can also watch this interview on our YouTube Channel
- click here
Interview with Christer Björkman & Edward Af Sillen (Executive Producer of Melodifestivalen 2016 & the Voice): Already last week Radio International broadcast the traditional assessment interview with the Producer of Melodifestivalen Christer Björkman after the show. But Eric and JP chatted with Christer as well as Edward Af Sillen who
is the speech writer of the hosts and resposnsible for everything that
is not related to the music in Meldodifestivalen. Also we hear his voice
when the songs are announced. Since Christer Björkman is also
getting ready to produce the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest 2016 in
Stockholm come May Eric chatted with both about the preparations of the
Pan-European and biggest music event worldwide.
Postponed to next week
Eurovision Song Contest Spotlight - The National
Final Season 2016: The National Selection Process of the songs
that will represent their country at the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 is
well under way. In the last quarter of 2015 Radio International went
through the best picks of Sweden's National Final - The Melodifestivalen
where our Eurovision Experts selected what they thought is the best
songs per year. Sweden will host the Eurovision
Song Contest 2016 in the Globen Arena of Stockholm next May with the
Grand Final on the 14 May 2016 and the the Semi Finals on 10 & 12
May 2016, respectively. Like in previous years the Radio
International Eurovision Experts will be assessing the National
2016 live on Radio International. Alasdair Rendall will be
closing out the National Final Season to the Eurovision Song Contest
2016 featuring the remaining songs to be introduced to the fans as well
as some of the new versions that have appeared. Listen to the songs from
Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Malta, Serbia, Sweden Israel, San Marino Belarus and Iceland.
Eurovision Under Cover: This ever so popular feature on Radio International is David Mann's weekly edition of the Eurovision Cover Versions where David Mann from Eurovision Norwich
will be intoducing some of the finest Eurovision Song Contest
entries covered by other singers. Just be surprised. You will be hearing
the actual song that has been on the Eurovision stage followed by the
cover. Listeners are encouraged to send in
their cover versions they came across over the years to share with the
other fans tuning into the show. Alternatively, listeners can send in
their request for a particular Eurovision covered song using this link.
Eurovision Song Contest News: Nathan Waddell joins
the team in the studio every week to bring you the news
and the latest developments connected to the Eurovision Song Contest
such as the National Finals or if it is music releases of Eurovision
performers, special
concerts, gossip, etc Nathan will have it all for us during the weekly
edition of Radio International. He also takes a look at some statistics
such as viewing figures in the various countries and more.
Nathan is website editor with escxtra.com. In addition, Eurovision News is available on www.eurovision.tv, esctoday.com and escflashmalta.com (amongst others.
New Song Releases by Eurovision Artists: Radio
International is always keen to know how the careers of Eurovision
performers develop after their performance at the event. The show is in
collaboration with many Music Companies that supply Radio International
with the latest songs of their signed up artists to bring the muisc
closer to the fans. On a weekly basis Radio International receives songs
which are being featured on the show.
Eurovision Song Contest Calendar of Events: Check out a detailed listing of all events scheduled around Europe. If you hear of something we have not listed please drop us a line by clicking here and
us know. After Eurovision is before Eurovision and to bridge the
Eurovision Gap many Eurovision Clubs will be holding their annual
convention. But also all the National Final Details are being displayed
in the Calendar. Make sure you frequently check it out.
Upcoming Events - Highlights:
02 Apr 2016 (Sat) - Riga, Latvia
09 Apr 2016 (Sat) - The Netherlands/Amsterdam
12 Apr 2016 (Tue) - Tel Aviv, Israel
Israel Calling - Preview Party with Eurovision 2016 artists - details
22 Apr 2016 (Fri) - United Kingdom/London
Eurovision Quiz: Scratch your heads and bite your
nails at our weekly Eurovision Song Contest Quiz. Good luck and win a
copy of a past Eurovision Song Contest Final on DVD or a dip into the
Eurovision Goodies Bag. All you
have to do
is to identify the five clips with Artist, Song, Country and Year. Send
your answers via the website's CONTACTs
form. As for the quiz answers, you have two weeks time to crack the quiz
after Radio International was aired live. That gives the chance for the
listeners who were not able to join us live on Wednesdays to participate
in the quiz and the draw for the prize. Good Luck! Congratulations to Alexander Sanchez from Bilbao in Spain for winning the Quiz from 09 March 2016.
Eurovision Music requests as well as other music requests are most welcome and can be done via our website's CONTACT US page. Let us know what you want to hear and where you are from. Due
to the large number of requests we received and cannot accommodate this
week these requests will be added to the play list for the future
