
Show 20 January 2016 - Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2016 |
Experience the Eurovision Song Contest with Radio International and Partners.
Radio International and ESCNEWS Radio & TV with Chat Room: Radio International is aired on their TV channel live every Wednesday where
fans can join and see how we actually do Radio International and listen
to the show while chatting with the other Eurovision fans joining the
community. But also you can watch there a re-run of
the weekly edition of Radio International at various times on ESCNEWS Radio. Enjoy and tell your friends
to join and be part of the Eurovision Radio International Community! Also become part of the Eurovision Radio International Facebook Group which accompanies the show and is available here. It contains lots of Eurovision News from the major Eurovision News Websites but also announcements.
Please note that many interviews we air are also available as video interview which can be viewed on our Radio International YouTube Channel. Just take a look and enjoy also see the artists talking to us.
The Eurovision Song Contest with Eurovision Radio International - your music requests, comments and
ideas: Eurovision Radio
International never stops and is keen on
keeping the music and news of the Eurovision Song Contest in the ears of the many
fans that join the show each and every week via the usual means either on FM, Cable and also
via PODCAST, Itunes, LISTEN AGAIN, live broadcast or Live Stream. You can also find Radio International (RTV Katwijk) on TuneIn. Please
free to submit your comments, ideas and requests of Eurovision songs and
Radio International is delighted to play your requests during
the shows. Click on CONTACT
to submit your request to the programme. You can also reach us on Twitter: @RadioInt
Hightlights of the show
The Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2016 with Eurovision Radio International live from Malta:
This week's show comes from Malta in view of the Malta Eurovision Song
Contest 2016 where the Maltese public and a jury will be selecting the
act that will be representing Malta at the Eurovision Song Contest 2016
in Stockholm come May. To get a bit of Maltese spirit going you will not
only hear the 20 songs that will be competing in the Semi Final on
Friday, 22 January 2016 performed by 19 artists, but also hear a Maltese
voice on the show as JP engaged a Maltese Newsreader from Malta's One
Radio to introduce all the 19 contestants to the Malta Eurovision Song
Contest 2016. On Friday, 22 November 2016, 20 songs will be competing
for the Top 14 places in the Final of the Malta Eurovision Song Contest
2016 to be held on Saturday, 23 January 2016. Enjoy this week's show and
also a flashback to some of Malta's nicest entries to the Eurovision
Song Contest and great national final songs through the years. You can
find the list of the participants here.
The normal format of Eurovision Radio International will return next
week from the studio in the Netherlands and bringing you interviews from
this national final - The Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2016.
Eurovision Song Contest News: escXtra.com's Nathan Waddell
normally joins the team in the studio every week to bring you the news
and the latest developments connected to the Eurovision Song Contest.
Whether it is music releases of Eurovision performers, special
concerts, gossip, etc. Nathan will have it all for us during the weekly
edition of Radio International but not this week. For the latest developments in the Eurovision World consult escXtra.com or any of the following sites: www.eurovision.tv, escxtra.com, esctoday.com and escflashmalta.com and many others.
Eurovision Song Contest Calendar of Events: Check out a detailed listing of all events scheduled around Europe. If you hear of something we have not listed please drop us a line by clicking here and
us know. After Eurovision is before Eurovision and to bridge the
Eurovision Gap many Eurovision Clubs will be holding their annual
convention. But also all the National Final Details are being displayed
in the Calendar. Make sure you frequently check it out. Many broadcast dates of the National Final Seasons for the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 have been added already.
Upcoming Events - Highlights:
23 Jan 2015 (Sat) - Germany/Munich
OGAE Germany's annual Club Convention - details
22 Jan 2016 (Fri) - United Kingdom/London
09 Apr 2016 (Sat) - The Netherlands/Amsterdam
22 Apr 2016 (Fri) - United Kingdom/London
Eurovision Music requests as well as other music requests are most welcome and can be done via our website's CONTACT US page. Let us know what you want to hear and where you are from. Due
to the large number of requests we received and cannot accommodate this
week these requests will be added to the play list for the future
