
Listen to Radio International:
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Listen to this week's edition of:
Malta's Eurovision Radio with Deo Grech (2014-02-05)
W12P - Wales 12 Points (2014-11-13)
Experience the Eurovision Song Contest with Radio International and Partners.
After a fantastic Junior
Eurovsion Song Contest 2014 in Malta now It's just around the corner -
the Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2015 with Eurovision Radio
International - your music requests, comments and
ideas: Eurovision Radio
International never stops and is keen on
keeping the music of the Eurovision Song Contest in the ears of the many
fans that join the show each and every week via the usual means either
via PODCAST, Itunes, LISTEN AGAIN, live broadcast or Live Stream. Please feel
free to submit your comments, ideas and requests of Eurovision songs and
Radio International is delighted to play your requests during
the shows. Click on CONTACT
to submit your request to the programme.
Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2014:
Also this week is a rather special edition of Radio
International as some members of the Team are located still in Malta
after the fantastic Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2014 which came to
you from the Marsa Ship Yard in Malta with a victory for Italy by 14
year old Vincenzo Cantiello. Details can be found the the Junior Eurovision Song Contest website.
Upon the return of the Radio International team to the home studio in
the Netherlands the interviews will be broadcast during the weekly
editions of the show. But complete details such as video interviews,
photos and results of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2014 can be found here.
Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2014:
But this week's show also comes from Malta and JP
has another co-host this week, in fact, David Mann who normally
contributes from Studio 3 in London joins the team in Malta for the show
this week introducing to you all the 20 contestants to the Malta
Eurovision Song Contest 2015 from which the winner will be representing
Malta at the Eurovision Song Contest 2015 in Vienna, Austria. On Friday,
21 November 2014, 20 contestants of Malta's best singers will be
competing for the Top 14 places in the Final of the Malta Eurovision
Song Contest 2015 to be held on Saturday, 22 November 2014. Enjoy this
week's show and also a flashback to some of Malta's nicest entries to
the Eurovision Song Contest. You can find the list of the participants here and the website of the PBS (Malta's Oublic Service Broadcast) is available here.
PBS decided to move the Maltese National Final to the Eurovision Song
Contest to the week after the Junior Eurovision Song Contest to make use
of the same venue thus cutting production cost. By Sunday morning we
should then know who represents Malta at the Eurovision Song Contest
2015 in Vienna.
The normal format of Eurovision Radio International will return next
week but at this point Radio International would like to thank PBS and
the many volunteer that helped us tremendously during our stay in Malta.
Eurovision Song Contest News: escXtra.com's Nathan Waddell normally joins the team in the studio every week to bring you the news
and the latest developments connected to the Eurovision Song Contest.
Whether it is music releases of Eurovision performers, special
concerts, gossip, etc. Nathan will have it all for us during the weekly
edition of Radio International.
In addition, Eurovision News is available on www.eurovision.tv, escxtra.com, esctoday.com and escflashmalta.com and many others.
Since this week is it a rather special edition of the show live from
sunny Malta, the normal formal returns next week with all the usual
features when the team is back in the studio.
