Eurovision Song Contest 2013 - The Post Eurovision Depression Cure: Over
the next few weeks Dr. JP from Eurovision Radio International is delighted to be your cure for
the Post Eurovision Depression. All you have to do is to listen to the
weekly editions of Eurovision Radio International which features many
stories, interviews, clips and music from the 58th Eurovision Song Contest that
came to you from the Swedish city of Malmoe. For the entire list of the ranking of the Grand Final and Semi Finals
visit the official website of the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 - -
click here to view further results or consult the Radio International Eurovision Database containing lots more information. For that
click here.
Photos and Video Clips of the Eurovision Song Contest 2013:
Go to JP's Photo Album on Facebook for the entire coverage.
Eurovision Blog 2013: All the video clips from Malmoe are also available on our Eurovision Blog 2013 -
click here.
Interview with Liora (Israel 1995): The second edition of the
Eurovision Weekend 2013
took place in the city centre of Berlin
after last year's big success partnering with Israel. Invited Artists
were Betty Dittrich who competed in the German National Final 2013 with
the song "La La La", then Lou of Lou and Band (Germany
2003) and Liora (Israel 2013). JP was on loction in Berlin meeting the
three performers for an interview. Being the international guest of
honour on the second edition of the Eurovision Weekend 2013 was
Liora Simons who represented Israel at the Eurovision Song Contest in 1995 with the great song entitled "
reaching 8th place in Dublin. Like the other invited artists (Lou and
Betty) Liora gave a concert in front of the many international fans
being present at the event and impressed with her singing capabilities.
She not only performed her Eurovision entry "
Amen" but also her version of "
Ein bisschen Frieden"
which was Germany's first victory in 1982 and also "Hi" which was
Israel's Runner-Up in 1982 by Ofra Haza. For those of the fans that
could not be present in Berlin, Radio International is extremely happy
to air those song on the show this week including an interview with
Liora from Israel where she reveals her musical past, present and future
but also little anecdotes. Make sure not to miss this week's edition of
the show.
You can watch this interview also on our YouTube Channel - click here
Interview with Lou of Lou and Band (Germany 2003): Germany's entry to the Eurovision Song Contest 2003 was "
Let's get happy" performed by
Lou and her Band
in Riga's Skonto Hall in Latvia in 2003 reaching Number 11 in the Grand
Final. This was Lou's second attempt to enter the World of the
Eurovision Song Contest as in 2001 she tried to represent Germany with
the song "
Happy Birthday Party" which did not win the German
National Final but then she returned in 2003 and won the national final
and with this the ticket to Riga. Both songs were written by Mr.
Eurovision himself -
Ralph Siegel. Lou's trademark are her redish
hair and happy appearance making the viewers and listeners feel good.
JP was on location in Berlin for the Eurovision Weekend 2013 which took
pleace on the weekend 19 - 21 July 2013 and Lou was one of the three
guest performers from Eurovision following Betty Dittrich and Liora from
Israel. Listen to the interview with Lou and JP and enjoy her very
funny English :).
You can watch this interview also on our YouTube Channel - click here
Interview with Betty Dittrich (German National Final 2013): Classed as
the Fans's Favourite of the German National Final 2013
Betty Dittrich
performed the song "
La La La" competing amongst others also with Cascada
for the ticket to the Eurovision Song Contest 2013. We know that the
ticket went to Cascada who represented the Germans in Malmoe, Sweden.
However, Betty's entry "
La la la" was loved by many Eurovision
fans. She
became 8th in the German National Final. Betty also was one of the
three musical guests at the recent edition of the Eurovision Weekend
2013 in Berlin. JP was on loction in Berlin Betty for an interview. So
enjoy on this week's edition of
Radio International the interview with Betty Dittrich.
You can watch this interview also on our YouTube Channel - click here
Interview with Carola (Eurovision Winner 1991, Sweden & Sweden 1983 & 2006):
Rowing Radio International Reporter Lilian Brunell and her niece Marie
had the pleasure to meet and interview the Eurovision Winner of 1991 for
Sweden - Carola. Marie and two of her friends were selected to
participate in the Junior Melodifestivalen in Finland (MGP arranged by
the Swedish section of Finnish TV). The name of the trio is POPPISARNA
and the song is called "Rymden" (The Space). The competition takes place
5th October in Helsinki. The 10 contestants are between 9-14 years and
have written the songs themselves. To show her abilities during the
interview Marie sang "
Fångad av en stormvind" together with
Carola. Radio International is delighted to broadcast this special interview on the show this week.
You can watch this interview also on our YouTube Channel - click here
Interview with El Sueno de Morfeo (ESDM)(Spain 2013):
As Spain is also one of the Big Five Eurovision countries and with this
directly qualified to the Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest.
El Sueno de Morfeo represented Spain this year with the song "
Contigo Hasta el Final (With you all the way)"
and unfortunately only ending up at Number 25 in the Grand Final,
although they are big artists in their home country. Eric and Rene
chatted with the singers in an interview which you can hear on this
edition of the show.
Due to time constraints this interview is postponed to a future edition of Radio International. We do apologize for the inconvenience.
Eurovision Song Contest Spotlight - The Favourite Non-Winning Eurovision entries per country: The
Eurovision Song Contest 2013 is over and all our correspondents have
given us their views and favourite songs of this year's contest. So time
to get into the summer 2013 with a brand new series in which our
correspondents in the UK and Ireland look at our favourite non-winning
Eurovision entries per participating country. This week
Ross Bennett continues the series with the countries beginning with the letter I such as
Iceland, Italy, Ireland and
Eurovision Song Contest News: Luke
joins the team in the studio every week to bring you the news
and the latest developments connected to the Eurovision Song Contest.
Whether it is music releases of Eurovision performers, special
concerts, gossip, etc Luke will have it all for us during the weekly
edition of Radio International. He also takes a look at some statistics
such as viewing figures in the various countries and more.
In addition, Eurovision News is available on,, and
Eurovision News Website: Luke Fisher is the Editor - in - Chief of Eurovision News website Check our more and EXTRA news on the Eurovision Song Contest by visiting the website here.
Eurovision Song Contest Calendar of Events: Check out a
detailed listing of all events scheduled around Europe. If you hear of something we have not listed please drop us a line by clicking
here and
us know. After Eurovision is before Eurovision and to bridge the
Eurovision Gap many Eurovision Clubs will be holding their annual
convention. But also all the National Final Details are being displayed
in the Calendar. Make sure you frequently check it out.
Upcoming Events - Highlights:
31 August 2013
05 - 07 September 2013
OGAE Portugal's Annual Eurovision Live Concert
26 October 2013
EURO GALA organised by OGAE Luxembourg
23 November 2013
EC Germany's Annual Club Convention
Eurovision Quiz: Scratch your heads and bite your
nails at our weekly Eurovision Song Contest Quiz. Good luck and win a
copy of a past Eurovision Song Contest Final on DVD. All you have to do
is to identify the five clips with Artist, Song, Country and Year. Send
your answers via the website's
CONTACTs form. As long as stock last you can also select something out of
the Eurovision Goodies Bag. Good Luck!
Congratulations go to once again to Robert Wahlstroem from Gothenburg in Sweden for winning this week's quiz.