Please note that many interviews we air are also available as video interview which can be viewed on our Radio International YouTube Channel. Just take a look and enjoy also see the artists talk to us.
Melodifestivalen 2013 - Complete Recap: Melodifestivalen 2013
took place Saturday, 09 March 2013 where Sweden together with an
International Jury selected their entry for the Eurovision Song Contest
2013 to take place in Malmoe, Sweden next May. After four Semi Finals
and a Second Chance Round and the Grand Final in the brand new Friends
Arena of Stockholm, Sweden sends into the race
Robin Stjernberg to follow the footsteps of
Loreen to
represent the country at the Eurovision Song Contest 2013. Thanks to
our rowing Scandinavian reporter Lilian Brunell Radio International
already aired a number of interviews with the Melodifestivalen
participating artists. This week features the interviews with the
remaining artists and of course the winner of Melodifestivalen 2013. You
can see all the photos from the event on our Facebook page by clicking
here. Enjoy. The entire results are available
Interview with Carola (Sweden 1983, 1991 Winner, 2006):
Former Winner of the Eurovision Song Contest and three times participant
for Sweden -
Carola celebrated 30 years of her first entry to the
Eurovision Song Contest 1983 - "
Fraemling" and was part of the interval
act during Melodifestivalen 2013 Final. She performed a modern version
of her 1983 Eurovision entry. Carola returned to the Eurovision Song
Contest a couple of times taking the victory for Sweden back in 1991
with the song "
Captured by a Love Strorm" and returned to the contest in
2006 in Athens where she came 5th with the amazing "
Invincible". At the
Aftershow Party of Melodifestivalen Eric & JP met Carola for a
brief interview Radio International is delighted to share with the
listeners and viewers this week. You can watch this interview also on our YouTube Channel -
click here
Interview with Robin Stjernberg (Melodifestivalen 2013): Newcomer to Melodifestivalen is Robin Stjerberg who performed "
and in an exciting voting won Melodifestivalen 2013 and thus will be
represening Sweden at the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 in Malmoe on 18
May 2013. Lilian Brunell has been chatting with
Robin after the dress rehearsal and then at the Aftershow Party after he won Melodifestivalen 2013. You can watch this interview also on our YouTube Channel -
click here. Watch the interview at the Winner's Aftershow Party -
click here
Interview with Sean Banan (Melodifestivalen 2013): At the
Welcome Reception earlier this week our rowing reporter Lilian Brunell
met the amazing Sean Banan and delivered a fantastic interview that
certainly makes you laugh. It is Sean's second participation in
Melodifestivalen following in 2012 with the song "
Sean de Foerste Banan" which unfortunately did not make it into the Final in 2012. However, in 2013
Sean Banan's latest offering "
made it straight to the Final from the Semi Final. He delivered a
brilliant show in the Final and with this ended up at Number Six of
Melodifestivalen 2013. Enjoy this interview with Lilian and make sure
you have the tissues ready for wiping your tears of laughter away. :) At the Aftershow Party Eric and JP met Sean briefly for a little chat -
Watch it here
Interview with Anton Ewald (Melodifestivalen 2013): A Newcomer as singer at Melodifestivalen is
Anton Ewald.
Anton has been on the stage of the event together with Eric Saade as
dancer. In 2013 he tried it as singer with his own dancers in the
performance of "
Begging" which reached Number Four in the Final
of Melodifestivalen 2013. Radio International's Eric interviewed the
singer right after the Dress Rehearsal. You can watch this interview also on our YouTube Channel -
click here
Interview with Yohio (Melodifestivalen 2013): Also a newcomer to Melodidestivalen is
Yohio who
with his band is massive in Japan. The last performing act of the night
during the Final of Melodifestivalen 2013 Yohio's song "
Heartbreak Hotel" ranked second to Robin Stjernberg's "
You". Lilian and JP had a quick chat with Yohio after the Dress Rehearsal. You can watch this interview also on our YouTube Channel -
click here
Interview with Louise Hoffsten (Melodifestivalen 2013): It is no
secret that Louise suffers from Multiple Sclerosis and still wants to
try to take part in Melodifestivalen 2013. Her entry is called "
Only the dead fish follow the stream"
which reached Number Five in Sweden's National Final. Also Louise is
the only lady amongst the ten Final Acts. Radio International's roving
reporter Lilian Brunell chatted with
Louise Hoffsten from lady to lady which Radio International is delighted to air during this week's edition of Radio International. You can watch this interview also on our YouTube Channel -
click here
Interview with David Lindgren (Melodifestivalen 2013): 2013 is
David Lindgren's second participation at Melodifestivalen following his Number Four entry in 2012 called "
Shout it out". This year David performed "
which reached Number Eight in Melodifestivalen 2013. Radio
International's Eric interviewed the singer right after the Dress
Rehearsal. You can watch this interview also on our YouTube Channel -
click here
Interview with the Hosts of Melodifestivalen 2013: Danny Saucedo & Gina Dirawi: Viewers of Melodifestivalen 2012 saw both in the show whereas
Danny Saucedo was one of the ten finalists ranking second with "
Amazing" after Loreen's "
Gina was part of the host trio including
Sarah Dawn Finer &
Helena Bergstroem
in 2012 where she was also part of the commmentating team of SVT in
Baku. Gina & Danny were selected by SVT (Swedish TV) to host the
series of Melodifestivalen 2013 comprising of four Semi Finals, the
Second Chance Round and subsequently also the Grand Final of
Melodifestivalen 2013. Right after the show Eric & JP chatted with
the presenters of the show which you can hear in this week's edition of
Radio International. You can watch this interview also on our YouTube Channel -
click here
Interview with Mr. Melodifestivalen: Christer Bjoerkman: The overall director of Melodifestivalen
Christer Bjoerkman
who is responsible for the show and the selection process of Sweden's
entry to the Eurovision Song Contest was extremely happy with
Melodifestivalen 2013. He himself represented Sweden at the Eurovision
Song Contest 1992. Eric & JP from Radio International interviewed
Christer in regards with Melodifestivalen 2013 and the Eurovision Song
Contest 2013 which takes place in Malmoe, Sweden on 14, 16 & 18 May
2013. You can watch this interview also on our YouTube Channel -
click here
Interview with Marilena (Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2013): On
Saturday, 02 February 2013 Malta selected their entry to the Eurovision
Song Contest 2013 with a young medical doctor by the name of
Gianluca Bezzina who will be the Ambassador of Malta in Malmoe waving the Maltese Flag and singing the song "
Tomorrow" which won Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2013. The full result of the Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2013 can be viewed
Continuing the series of interviews with Maltese music talents Radio International this week airs an interview with Marilena who
sang "Overrated" in the Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2013 which
unfortunately did not qualify for the Final. Listen to the interview
which JP did with the singer during the rehearsals.
- The Results of the Radio International Online Voting can be found - here
- Photos of the Malta Experience can be viewed here in Album 1 and Album 2
Eurovision Song Contest Spotlight - The 2013 National Finals with Marcus Keppel-Palmer: The
National Selection period is in full swing where countries are
selecting their entry to the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 that
will be staged in Malmö, Sweden on the 14 May 2013 (Semi Final 1),
16 May 2013 (Semi Final 2) and 18 May 2013 (Grand Final) where so far 39
countries will be competing for the trophy and the rights to hold the
Eurovision Song Contest 2014. As every year Radio International reviews
the National Finals with the regular correspondents and this week it is
the turn of
Marcus Keppel-Palmer who will be taking a look at the selection process of
Israel, Netherlands, Romania, Sweden and
United Kingdom. Also
Bulgaria since the broadcaster decided to change the song. Find a full listing of the upcoming National Finals
Eurovision Song Contest News: Luke
joins the team in the studio every week to bring you the news
and the latest developments connected to the Eurovision Song Contest.
Whether it is music releases of Eurovision performers, special
concerts, gossip, etc Luke will have it all for us during the weekly
edition of Radio International. He also takes a look at some statistics
such as viewing figures in the various countries and more.
In addition, Eurovision News is available on,, and
Eurovision News Website: Luke Fisher is the Editor - in - Chief of the newly created Eurovision News website called Check our more and EXTRA news on the Eurovision Song Contest by visiting the website here.
Eurovision Song Contest Calendar of Events: Check out a
detailed listing of all events scheduled around Europe. If you hear of something we have not listed please drop us a line by clicking
here and
us know. After Eurovision is before Eurovision and to bridge the
Eurovision Gap many Eurovision Clubs will be holding their annual
convention. But also all the National Final Details are being displayed
in the Calendar. Make sure you frequently check it out.
Upcoming Events - Highlights:
13 April 2013:
Eurovision in Concert 2013 in the Melkweg of Amsterdam, The Netherlands with 2013 Eurostar.
14 May 2013
Eurovision Song Contest 2013 - Semi Final 1 from Malme, Sweden
Eurovision Song Contest 2013 - Semi Final 2 from Malme, Sweden
14 May 2013
Eurovision Song Contest 2013 - Grand Final from Malme, Sweden
19 - 21 July 2013
Eurovision Weekend in Berlin, Germany
07 September 2013
Eurovision Cruise organised by OGAE Finland