
Experience the Eurovision Song Contest with Radio International and Partners.
Radio International TV Channel with Chat Room: As from this week - Radio International launched its own Livestream TV Channel
where fans can join and see how we actually do Radio International and
listen to the show while chatting with the other Eurovision fans
joining the community. But also you can watch there the many interviews
the Team of Radio International has done over the past weeks and also a
re-run of the weekly edition of Radio International. Enjoy and tell
your friends to join and be part of the Radio International Community!
Please note that many interviews we air are also available as video interview which can be viewed on our Radio International YouTube Channel. Just take a look and enjoy also see the artists talk to us.
Interview with Joan Franka (Netherlands 2012): He Nationaale
Songfestival or the Dutch National Final to the Eurovision Song Contest
2012 took place on Sunday, 26 February 2012 in the Media Park of
Hilversum where the Dutch nation as well as the Jury selected Joan Franka to represent the Netherlands in Baku with the song " You and me".
Joan appeared on stage in an Indian outfit supported by a happy bunch
of "Indian" musicians. The Team of Radio International as well es
escXtra.com where on location in the show and in the Press Centre and
conducted an interview with Joan after her Winner's Press Conference.
Enjoy this interview in this week's edition of Radio International. For
full results of the Dutch Selection click here. You will also be able to hear the interviews with the Runner Up Pearl and Ivan who came third. To watch some of the photos from the Dutch National Final - click here. You can also watch the video clip here of her winning moments and the interview as well - click here. The interview with the Runner Up: Pearl and Ivan as well as the Press Conference with Joan is here
Interview with Teach-In's Getty Kaspers (Dutch Winner of the 1975 Eurovision Song Contest): Many
former Dutch entrants to the Eurovision Song Contest were also invited
guests in the audience of the Dutch National Final this year with the
likes of Justine Pelmelay (NL 1989), Marcha (NL 1987), Ben Cramer (NL
1973), Marilbelle (NL 1984), Frizzle Sizzle (NL 1986), Harmony (NL
1978), Sieneke (NL 2010) and Getty Kaspers of Teach-In who still holds the last Dutch victory at the Eurovision Song Contest with " Ding-a-dong"
in 1975. The Team of Radio International had the big pleasure of
interviewing some of the previous performers such as Getty and Rosina
from Harmony which you can hear during this week's edition of Radio
International. Watch the interview with Getty here.
Interview with Pernilla Karlsson (Finland 2012): YLE, the Finish
public broadcaster organised this year's national selection of Finland
(Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu) to select the the song that will represent
Finland at the Eurovision Song Contest 2012 in Baku. The selection
process involved five Semi Finals and the Final which was held in
Helsinki's Ice Hall on Saturday, 25 February 2012. At the end of the
show Pernilla Karlsson won the ticket to Baku to represent the Suomen at the Eurovision Song Contest with the song entitled " När jag blundar"
(When I close my eyes). Lilian and JP were present and interviewed
Pernilla and also had a small chat with her parents after the Winner's
Press Conference. You can hear it all here on Radio International this
week. You can see the photos from the Finish National Selection by clicking here. Watch the interview on our Radio International YouTube Channel.
Maltese Artist Spotlight - Amber: Malta is a country with so much
great music talents however, the country lacks of a record company
which promotes the Maltese Music outside Malta. With Radio International
we try to bring into the spotlight some of the big talents there is in
Malta. Continuing a new series this week Radio International will
broadcast each week an interview with a Maltese artists. This week hear
the interview with Amber. Relatively new to the Malta Music Scene
is a great voice - Amber who had two song in the Malta Eurovision Song
Contest 2011 namely, " Touch Wood" and " Catch 22" whereas
the latter advanced to the Final and reached Number 13. Amber also took
part in the Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2012 with the song " Answer in your eyes"
reaching a remarkable third place. JP had the pleasure to chat with
Amber during the rehearsals of the Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2012.
Listen to find out more about the young artist. Watch the interview also on our YouTube Channel.
Eurovision Song Contest Spotlight - "The National Finals so far" with Alasdair Rendall:
Until the end of the National Final Season for the Eurovision Song
Contest 2012 (10 March 2011) the new series continuous this week on
International where our Eurovision specialists are taking a weekly
look at the
songs that have been selected for Baku so far or some of the highlights
in the various heats of the National Finals. Alasdair Rendall takes a look at the songs that have been selected to
represent their country at the Eurovsion Song Contest 2012 in Baku: Austria, Belarus, Finland, Ireland, Netherlands and Slovenia.
Euro Friends Song Contest 2012 with Andy Simon:
The next season of
the Euro Friends Song Contest is under way in search for the ultimate
Eurovision song
as voted for by the many fans around the world. Andy Simon joins us
every week to reveal the qualifiers for the next round. The website of
the Euro Friends Song Contest you will find here
where you can easily vote for your favourite Eurovision song per
country and also see The Euro-Friends TV Show as hosted by Andy Simon.
You can also join the Facebook Group here. This week Andy looks at the next qualifiers from Heat 39 (Ireland).
Eurovision Song Contest News: Luke
joins the team in the studio every week to bring you the news
and the latest developments connected to the Eurovision Song Contest.
Whether it is music releases of Eurovision performers, special
concerts, gossip, etc Luke will have it all for us during the weekly
edition of Radio International. He also takes a look at some statistics
such as viewing figures in the various countries and more.
Eurovision News Website: escXtra.com: Luke Fisher is also the Editor - in - Chief of the newly created Eurovision News website called escXtra.com. Check our more and EXTRA news on the Eurovision Song Contest by visiting the website here.
Eurovision Quiz: Scratch your heads and bite your
nails at our weekly Eurovision Song Contest Quiz. Good luck and win a
copy of a past Eurovision Song Contest Final on DVD. All you have to do
is to identify the five clips with Artist, Song, Country and Year. Send
your answers via the website's CONTACTs form or via the msn-chat
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
As long as stock last you can also select something out of
the Eurovision 2010 Goodies Bag. Good Luck! Congratulations once again go to Liam Whelan from the United Kingdom for winning this week's Quiz! :)
Eurovision Song Contest Calendar of Events: Check out a detailed listing of all events scheduled around Europe. If you hear of something we have not listed please drop us a line by clicking here
and let us know. After Eurovision is before Eurovision and to bridge
the Eurovision Gap many Eurovision Clubs will be holding their annual
Upcoming Events:
11 April 2012
Sage, Gateshead, United Kingdom
with Lys Assia, Brotherhood of Man, Anne Marie David, Eldar &
Nigar, Bobbysocks, Daz Sampson, Scott Fitzgerald, Josh Dubowie, Nikki
French, Black Lace, Paul Herrington & Charlie McGettigan and still many to be added.
21 April 2012
Melkweg, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Eurovision Music requests as well as other music requests are most welcome and can be done via our website's CONTACT US page. Let us know what you want to hear and where you are from. Due
to the large number of requests we received and cannot accommodate
this week these requests will be added to the play list for the future
