Experience the Eurovision Song Contest with Radio International and Partners.
Radio International TV Channel with Chat Room: As from this week - Radio International launched its own Livestream TV Channel
where fans can join and see how we actually do Radio International and
listen to the show while chatting with the other Eurovision fans
joining the community. But also you can watch there the many interviews
the Team of Radio International has done over the past weeks and also a
re-run of the weekly edition of Radio International. Enjoy and tell
your friends to join and be part of the Radio International Community!
Please note that many interviews we air are also available as video interview which can be viewed on our Radio International YouTube Channel. Just take a look and enjoy also see the artists talk to us.
Interview with SINPLUS (Switzerland 2012): Switzerland decided on Saturday, 10 December 2011 in the Bodensee Arena of Kreuzlingen, Switzerland to send SINPLUS to represent the Swiss Nation at the Eurovision Song Contest 2012 with the song " Unbreakable".
Sinplus are the brothers Ivan and Gabriel Broggini from the Italian
part of Switzerland called Ticino. Radio International stormed the stage
after the show was over to get some words out of the succesfull
winners. The entire results are displayed here courtesy of escxtra.com.
Interview with Chiara Dubey - Number Three in the Swiss National Final: Chiara Dubey also
from the Italian part of Switzerland - Ticino made it to the Top 3 of
the national selection show called "Die Grosse Entscheidungsshow" with
the song "Amina Nuova". Listen to the interview with the fine singer.
Interview with Sven Epiney - Presenter of the Swiss National Final 2012: This was the second time after last year that Sven Epiney hosted
the Swiss National Final very sovereign and very professional. He is
the "Terry Wogan" of Switzerland and also is the commentator of the
Eurovision Song Contest for Swiss Television. During "Die Grosse
Entscheidungsshow" two video clips were broadcast of Sven visiting Baku,
Azerbaijan which is the Host City of the Eurovision Song Contest 2012.
Radio International had the big pleasure to speak to Sven on stage right
after the show had finished about his opinion on the songs, the show
and Baku.
Previous Eurovision Interviews: Eurovision Song Contest
Interviews the Radio International Team has done with the Eurovision
performers can be heard by visiting our Eurovision section of this website. The 2010 & 2011 Eurovision Interviews are
not displayed there. You can find them as part of the weekly editions
Radio International. You can go through the Show Archive to find
interviews by using SEARCH.
Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2011 Quiz: This
years theme of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest was REACH TO THE TOP.
What does the logo symbolize? Email the show with the answer by
clicking on CONTACT to win a little prize as long as stocks last.
Interview with the Number Nine of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2011 - Erik Rapp from Sweden: On
Saturday 03 December 2011 the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2011 was
staged in the Armenian Capital Yerevan with the participation of 13
countries competing for the trophy and the title. The Winners once again
was Georgia and it is their second victory after 2008 with Candy and
"Candy Music". Check out the official Scoreboard here and the official website here.
Sweden was respresented by 15 year old Erik Rapp performing the song
called "Faller" (Falling) reaching Number 9 in the Final of the Junior
Eurovision Song Contest 2011. In the photo you see Erik and his composer
of " Faller".
Interview with the Number 5 of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2011 - Dalita from Armenia: The Host Country Armenia was represented by Dalita and the song " Welcome to Armenia"
which came 5th in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2011 and reminded
many viewers of the UK's entry of the 2007 Eurovision Song Contest -
Scooch :) At this point Radio International would like to thank Tolik
Chernyaev for the great translation service during the interview with
Interview with the Number Seven of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2011 - Femke from Belgium: The closing song of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2011 came from Belgium with charming Femke. Her song is called "Enn Kusje meer"
(One more kiss) and came 7th in the Final. Radio International had the
pleasure of an interview with the little star from Belgium.
Interview with the Number Six of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2011 - Lerika from Moldova: This year's Moldavian entry to the Junior Eurovision Song Contest was Lerika who came 6th with the song " No, No". Enjoy this interview.
Eurovision Song Contest Spotlight - Eurovision's Runner Up with Chris Poppe:
The series almost comes to an end with our Eurovision specialists to take a
chronological look at the songs that came second in the Eurovision Song
Contest during the years from 1956 to now whereas 1956 had no known
ranking. Chris returns this week to join the team in the studio to reflect the
years 2004 - 2007.
Euro Friends Song Contest 2012 with Andy Simon:
The next season of
the Euro Friends Song Contest is under way in search for the ultimate
Eurovision song
as voted for by the many fans around the world. Andy Simon joins us
every week to reveal the qualifiers for the next round. The website of
the Euro Friends Song Contest you will find here
where you can easily vote for your favourite Eurovision song per
country and also see The Euro-Friends TV Show as hosted by Andy Simon.
You can also join the Facebook Group here. This week Andy looks at the next qualifiers from Heats 23 - 26.
Eurovision Song Contest News: Luke
joins the team in the studio every week to bring you the news
and the latest developments connected to the Eurovision Song Contest.
Whether it is music releases of Eurovision performers, special
concerts, gossip, etc Luke will have it all for us during the weekly
edition of Radio International. He also takes a look at some statistics
such as viewing figures in the various countries and more.
Eurovision News Website: escXtra.com: Luke Fisher is also the Editor - in - Chief of the newly created Eurovision News website called escXtra.com. Check our more and EXTRA news on the Eurovision Song Contest by visiting the website here.
This week's Eurovision News Headlines:
- Switzerland 2012: Sinplus to Baku
- Albania 2012: Composers & Running Order of FiK
- Georgia 2012: National selection process will be announced shortly
- Portugal 2012: RTP opens submission period for songs
- Slovenia 2012: Another act leaves Misija Evrovizija
- United Kingdom: UK wins OGAE Song Contest 2011
- Montenegro 2012: Act selected
- Baku 2012: Venu is taking shape - see here
- Estonia 2012: ETV receives high number of entries
- Denmark 2012: DR to announce their Finalists on 05 January 2012 & two more acts for Melodi Grand Prix
- Latvia 2012: Latvia announces artists
- Baku 2012: Brainpool from Germany to produce the Eurovision Song Contest 2012
- Malta 2012: All the songs are available here
- Romania 1998: Malina Olinescu dies
Eurovision Quiz: Scratch your heads and bite your
nails at our weekly Eurovision Song Contest Quiz. Good luck and win a
copy of a past Eurovision Song Contest Final on DVD. All you have to do
is to identify the five clips with Artist, Song, Country and Year. Send
your answers via the website's CONTACTs form or via the msn-chat
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As long as stock last you can also select something out of
the Eurovision 2010 Goodies Bag. Good Luck! And the Winner of the last Quiz: Congratulations go to Javier Leal from Venezuela.
Eurovision Song Contest Calendar of Events: Check out a detailed listing of all events scheduled around Europe. If you hear of something we have not listed please drop us a line by clicking here
and let us know. After Eurovision is before Eurovision and to bridge
the Eurovision Gap many Eurovision Clubs will be holding their annual
Upcoming Events:
31 December 2011 (broadcast of the show)
Europe Start Voting Now for the
The Top 250 Eurovision Songs of all time
as arranged by 12points.tv.
Details of how you can vote please find here.
05 February 2012
Munich, Germany
with Ami Aspelund, Nadine Beiler, Jacques Zegers, Alexandros Panayi
Eurovision Music requests as well as other music requests are most welcome and can be done via our website's CONTACT US page. Let us know what you want to hear and where you are from. Due
to the large number of requests we received and cannot accommodate
this week these requests will be added to the play list for the future