The Most and Least Successful entries of the Eurovision Countries (Part 2 of 4) & Eurovision meets South Africa (Part 2)
 For the next two weeks the Team of Radio International
takes a break from the normal format of the show and in addition OGAE
Luxembourg's Eric Lehmann co-hosts with JP the first two hours of Radio
International for the next two Wednesdays (September 21 & 28).
(Hour 1 & 2 of the Show) The Most and Least Successful entries of the Eurovision Countries (Part 2):
In the first two hours you will hear the most and least successul
entries of the Eurovision countries. A quite interesting trip throughout
Europe and you will some Eurovision nuggets as well. Join Eric & JP
in these special themed shows.
In case you missed the first part of the show - they are available at below links and Enjoy!
(Hour 3 of the Show) Eurovision meets South Africa (Third Series, Part 2): After the success of the first and
second series Radio International is delighted to present to you the
next and third series. This is the second of five parts where Radio International broadcasts a series of shows
where you can hear the enthusiasm of South African artists recording
Eurovision Song Contest entries into Africaans. This truely is
something very special and we wish to thank Roy van der Merve, Neil and
Carel van Eden for contacting Radio International to make the
Eurovision Fans aware of this ongoing project and the interest int he
Eurovision Song Contest in South Africa.
For more information on the artists or the project contact
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
or go to their Website at
But now it is time to enjoy the show where we first play the original
entry that was at the Eurovision Song Contest which will be followed up
with the artist(s) from South Africa singing the song in Africaans.
Happy Listening!
Click here to listen to Part 2 Play List
In case you missed last week's edition - see below :)
Click here to listen to Part 1 Play List
And listen to this week's edition of: Malta's Eurovision Radio
Belgium's Europe Start Listening Now