Eurovision Song Contest with Radio International and on Oikotimes.TV
Please note that many interviews we air are also available as video interview which can be viewed on our Radio International YouTube Channel. Just take a look and enjoy also see the artists talk to us.
Eurovision Interview with the Glen Vella & Malta Recap (Malta 2011): The
Maltese National Final and Semi Final were held on Friday and Saturday,
11 & 12 February 2011 in the Mediterranean Conference Centre,
Valetta, Malta where Glen Vella won the Final with two points ahead of Richard Edwards and his song called “Finally”. Glen Vella’s entry is called “One Life”
and the Team of Radio International was on location. During the show
hear three short interviews with Glen and also the presenters of the
show Valerie Vella & Keith Demicoli. Further we had the pleasure to briefly chat with Glen’s mother Martina and Pamela Bezzina who is one of the three backing vocalists in “One Life”.
Radio International establishes a live link to Malta to chat with
Glen about the victory. Glen Vella's Website is available here. You can watch a collection of photos taken during the Malta National Selection to the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest by clicking here. More interviews with the performers are planed to be broadcast in the weeks to come. If you were not able to watch the show online - fear not keep a copy on the server for you. Click here to see the show.
Eurovision Interview with Paradise Oskar (Finland 2011):
Lilian Brunell, our rowing reporter in Scandinavia has been in Finland
at the national final there and could interview for Radio International
the representative for Finland at the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest – Paradise Oskar who will perform the song “Da Da Dam”. Listen to the interview during this week’s edition of Radio International.
Euro Friend Song Contest 2011 - Voting Result of the Third Quarterfinal:
Radio International in collaboration with the Euro Friends Song Contest
are in search for the ultimate Eurovision song and will be announcing
during the show this week the ten qualifiers of the third quarterfinal
which will go through to the Semi Finals. During the past week
international juries have been voting for the first lot of songs on the
Face Book Page of the Euro Friends Song Contest. Prime Organiser of this
event based on the Eurovision Song Contest, Andy Simon joins the team
in the studio to reveal the results. You too can be part of the
international jury by contacting Andy Simon on this link
which takes you to the Face Book Page of the Event. Remember, you have
to be a member of this Facebook group in order to join the voting or
consult the brand new website.
Eurovision Song Contest Spotlight: National Finals: The national
selection season well underway and on a weekly basis Radio International
will assess the songs with a panel of Eurovision experts. This week
Radio International continues to take a look at the songs for the 2011
Eurovision Song Contest from Belgium, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Malta, Norway and Poland. (Finals). Then Croatia, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden and Spain (Semi Finals). For that Chris Poppe and Ross Bennett will join the team in the studio.
Eurovision Song Contest News: Luke
Fisher joins the team in the studio every week to bring you the news
and the latest developments connected to the Eurovision Song Contest.
Whether it is music releases of Eurovision performers, special
concerts, gossip, etc Luke will have it all for us during the weekly
edition of Radio International. Also check out the occasational
appearance of Zoran Kovacic from Serbia on Radio International bringing
us some Eurovision News in his style.
This is just a selection. Go to for detailed information.
Eurovision Quiz: Scratch your heads and bite your
nails at our weekly Eurovision Song Contest Quiz. Good luck and win a
copy of a past Eurovision Song Contest Final on DVD. All you have to do
is to identify the five clips with Artist, Song, Country and Year. Send
your answers via the website's CONTACTs form or via the msn-chat
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As long as stock last you can also select something out of
the Eurovision 2010 Goodies Bag. Good Luck! And the Winner of the last Quiz: Neil Fenton from the UK. Sorry for the delay.
Eurovision Song Contest Calendar of Events: Check out a detailed listing of all events scheduled around Europe. If you hear of something we have not listed please drop us a line by clicking here
and let us know. After Eurovision is before Eurovision and to bridge
the Eurovision Gap many Eurovision Clubs will be holding their annual
Upcoming Events:
09 April 2011 - Amsterdam, Netherlands: Eurovision in Concert (details soon to be announced)
Eurovision Song Contest Interviews the Radio International Team has done with the Eurovision performers can be heard by visiting our Eurovision section of this website or check out the Radio International goes.... part
of the website. The 2010 Eurovision Interviews have not yet been
displayed there. You can find them as part of the weekly editions of
Radio International. You can go through the Show Archive to find
interviews by using search.
Eurovision Music requests as well as other music requests are most welcome and can be done via our website's CONTACT US page. Let us know what you want to hear and where you are from. Due
to the large number of requests we received and cannot accommodate
this week these requests will be added to the play list for the future