Eurovision Song Contest with Radio International and on Oikotimes.TV
Eurovision Interview with Kirsten Siggard of Hot Eyes (Denmark, 1984, 1985 & 1989): The Eurovision Club of Sweden called Melodifestivalenklubben or the OGAE Sweden had their annual convention recently and our rowing reporter Lilian Brunell went there not only to celebrate but also interview one of the liveliest singers during the Eighties who represented Denmark no less than three times at the Eurovision Song Contest - Kirsten Siggard of Hot Eyes fame who together with her singing partner Soeren had remarkable success at the contest. Their debut was in 1984 when " Det' lige det" (That’s just it) reached Number 4, followed by their Number 11 position " Sku' du spoerg fra no'en" (What business is it of yours?) and then " Ka' du se hva' jeg sa'" (Can you see what I said?) which reached Number 5. A Repeat Offender at the Eurovision Song Contest. Listen to the interview during this week's edition of Radio International.
Euro Friend Song Contest 2010 - Vote for HEAT 8: Radio International in collaboration with the Euro Friends Song Contest 2011 announcing the start of HEAT 8 for the international juries to vote on the Face Book Page of the contest. On the Face Book Page of the Euro Friends Song Contest, you vote for your 10 favourite songs in the Eurovision Song Contest amongst the eights hundred songs of Europe's biggest music competition. Last week Radio International revealed the ten qualifiers of HEAT 7 and now HEAT 8 has started and is open to be voted on until Sunday evening. Next week Radio International and Andy from the Euro Friends Song Contest will reveal the ten qualifiers of Heat 8 during the show. Join to vote for your favourite Eurovision songs by clicking on this link which takes you to the Face Book Page of the Event. Remember, you have to be a member in order to join the voting.
Eurovision Song Contest Spotlight: Germany. In view of the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest from Germany, Radio International's four regular Eurovision Experts will be joining us in turn week by week to review all the German entries of the Eurovision Song Contest from 1956 to 2010. This week Ross Bennett takes a look at the years 1965 to 1969.
Eurovision Song Contest News: Eurovision News. Luke Fisher joins the team in the studio every week to bring you the news and the latest developments connected to the Eurovision Song Contest. Whether it is music releases of Eurovision performers, special concerts, gossip, etc Luke will have it all for us during the weekly edition of Radio International. Also check out the occasation appearance of Zoran Kovacic from Serbia on Radio International bringing us some Eurovision News in his style.
Eurovision Quiz: Scratch your heads and bite your nails at our weekly Eurovision Song Contest Quiz. Good luck and win a copy of a past Eurovision Song Contest Final on DVD. All you have to do is to identify the five clips with Artist, Song, Country and Year. Send your answers via the website's CONTACTs form or via the msn-chat
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As long as stock last you can also select something out of the Eurovision 2010 Goodies Bag. Good Luck! And the Winner of last week's Quiz: Bert Ouwerkerk (Quizking :) ) in Utrecht, in the Netherlands. Congratulations yet again!
Home Composed Song Contest 2010: Austria is hosting the 2010 Home Composed Song Contest via the following website. 22 songs from 9 countries are competing for the winning trophy. Until midnight of 31 October 2010 you can vote for your favourite songs. During the next few editions of Radio International we will bring you the songs a bit closer. But also you can listen to the songs again via the above website. Enjoy!
Eurovision Song Contest Calendar of Events: Check out a detailed listing of all events scheduled around Europe. If you hear of something we have not listed please drop us a line by clicking here and let us know. After Eurovision is before Eurovision and to bridge the Eurovision Gap many Eurovision Clubs will be holding their annual convention.
Upcoming Events:
Eurovision Song Contest Interviews the Radio International Team has done with the Eurovision performers can be heard by visiting our Eurovision section of this website or check out the Radio International goes.... part of the website. The 2010 Eurovision Interviews have not yet been displayed there. You can find them as part of the weekly editions of Radio International. You can go through the Show Archive to find interviews by using search.
Eurovision Music requests as well as other music requests are most welcome and can be done via our website's CONTACT US page. Let us know what you want to hear and where you are from. Due to the large number of requests we received and cannot accommodate this week these requests will be added to the play list for the future shows.